Magnus Walker built himself one of the most expressive images in the Porsche brand in a few years. Its Urban Outlaw and Porsche air-cooled collections are known around the world. You speak Magnus and you know it’s about him. Few know that despite the success he had made in the United States, he was born and initially lived in the United Kingdom. Hence in the British flag logo. During the European tour of his new book “Dirt Do not Slow You Down” he had to visit his homeland and London’s Ace Cafe, where he once met with Porsche fans. We did a lot to get there and give you the atmosphere of the meeting. We have used our London contacts and the power to persuade them to visit this meeting. Managed to!
Ace Cafe London is a very atmospheric pub in north west London. Fits perfectly to Urban Outlow. That’s where Magnus met on 29th May with his fans, who of course came up with their Porsche’s. During our road to Ace Cafe located near Wembley we met few great Porsche. The apogee was on the parking before the main buliding. The Orange 911 Carrera RSR from the 70’s is definitely our favorite, but really any classic 911 (most of them with old black British registrations) made a huge impression. Most can be viewed in our photo gallery.
Not the cars were the most important thing this evening though. Of course everyone came to buy a book and meet Magnus. The queue to buy it and to have a short conversation with the author and dedication took about an hour. Everything in a heavily filled room where it was getting warmer. But it was worth the wait, because Magnus, despite the apparent status of the star, had a moment to talk to each other and say goodbye in his favorite “CheeRS” style. Greetings to the readers of from Magnus himself. Now we are going to read the book, which we will certainly review for you.